POLITICAL THEMED ACRONYMS & INITIALISMS This is an alphabetical list of acronyms, initialisms, and numbers actually used on presidential campaign items with reference to specific candidates, political parties, and organizations. ABC- Anybody But Carter (1980) ABJ-Anybody But Johnson (1968) or Austin Burton, Jr. (Hopeful for 1976) ABK-Anybody But Kennedy (Robert 1968 or Teddy 1980) ACTWU-Amalgamated Clothing and Textiles Workers Union ACWA-Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America ADA-Americans for Democratic Action AFL-CIO- American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations AFSCME-American Federation of State, County, & Municipal Employees AFT-American Federation of Teachers AIP-American Independent Party ALP-American Labor Party AuH2O-Barry Goldwater (chemical symbols for gold and water) B & L-Blaine & Logan (1884) BAM-Black Americans for McCarthy (Eugene, 1968) BGB-Barry Goldwater Backer (Arizona Senate Campaign, 1980) BMG-Barry Morris Goldwater (1964) C & S-Cleveland and Stevenson (1892) C & T-Cleveland and Thurman (1888) CDA- Coalition for a Democratic Alternative (Eugene McCarthy organization) CDC-California Democratic Council C5H4N4O3 on AuH2O-Urinate on Goldwater (chemical symbols for urine, gold and water) CLIRR-Conservative Liberal Independent Regular Republicans (Nixon, 1972) CLU-Central Labor Union C/M-Carter-Mondale COPE-Committee on Political Education (AFL-CIO) CPUSA-Communist Party of the U.S.A. CT-Commercial Travelers (1896-1908 era) CWA-Communications Workers of America DFR-Defeat Franklin Roosevelt (1940) DNC-Democratic National Convention EMK-Edward M. Kennedy EMc2-Eugene McCarthy the second time (1972) ESM-Edmund S. Muskie FCBNH-For Carter Before New Hampshire (1972) FDP-Freedom Democratic Party FDR-Franklin Delano Roosevelt FEF-Forget Eisenhower Forever (1956) FKBW-For Kennedy Before Wisconsin (1960) FMBNH-For McGovern Before New Hampshire (1972) GMG-George McGovern (1972) H3-Hubert Horatio Humphrey (1968) HG-Hoover and Green (Michigan governor candidate, 1928) HHH-Hubert Horatio Humphrey H & M-Benjamin Harrison and Levi Martin (1888) H & R-Benjamin Harrison and Whitlaw Reid (1892) HUAC- House Un-American Activities Committee IAK-I Adore Kennedy (1960) IAM-International Association of Machinists IBEW-International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers IGHAT-I've Got Hatred Against Truman or I'm Going to Hate All Trumans ILA-International Longshoreman's Association ILGWU-International Ladies Garment Workers Union IT-Ike Twice (1956) IUE-International Union of Electricians IYHYKHR-In Your Heart You Know He's Right (Goldwater 1964) JB-Jerry Brown (1980) JBA-John B. Anderson (1980) JBC-John B. Connally (1976) JC-Jimmy Carter JFK-John Fitzgerald Kennedy JWB-John W. Bricker (OH local 1970) K-Robert F. Kennedy or Edward M. Kennedy K3-The Third Kennedy (Edward) K-J-Kennedy-Johnson KMA-Kiss My Ass (McGovern, 1972) KNKC-Keep Nebraska Kennedy Conscious or Keep Nebraska Kennedy Country (Edward, 1972) LBJ-Lyndon Baines Johnson LNPL-Labor's Non-Partisan League (FDR, 1936) LOTE-Lesser of Two Evils (Carter, 1980) N/A-Nixon and Agnew NADC-National Association of Democratic Clubs (Bryan era)NASW-National Association of Social WorkersNDC-New Democratic CoalitionNEA-National Education AssociationNIT-A slang word for "no" usually used to express opposition to Bryan's proposal for silver and coinage at a ratio of 16 to 1 (1896-1900)NOW-National Organization For WomenNRL-National Republican LeagueNSRP-National States' Rights PartyNUSJ-National Union for Social Justice (Father Coughlin 1930's)OAP-Old Age Pensions (Townsend 1930's)OARP-Old Age Revolving Pensions (Townsend 1930's)OK-Old Kinderhook, nickname for Martin Van Buren derived from his home in Kinderhook, NYOS4MY-Oh Shit, Four More Years (Anti-Nixon, 1972)PAC-Political Action CommitteePFP-Peace and Freedom PartyR & B-Reagan and Bush (1980)RCL-Republican College LeagueRIF-Reduction In Force (Anti-Reagan)RNC-Republican National ConventionRR-Ronald ReaganSIN-Stop Inflation NowSLP-Socialist Labor PartySOB-Save Our Business/Sons of Business (Anti-John Kennedy)SWP-Socialist Workers PartyTASK-Teen-agers for Stevenson and KefauverTED-Thomas E. DeweyTIRRC-This Is Ronald Reagan CountryTMK-Too Many Kennedy's (Anti-Edward)TR-Theodore RooseveltTTP-Tired Tax Payers (Richard Nixon, 1960)UAW-CIO-United Auto Workers-Congress of Industrial OrganizationsUDFH-United Democrats For HumphreyUFW-United Farm WorkersURFI-United Republican Fund of Illinois (Nixon, 1960)USWA-United Steel Workers of AmericaUYN-United Youth for NixonVFBG-Vote for Barry GoldwaterVIP-Voice In Politics (George Wallace, 1968)VV-Vietnam Veterans (Eugene McCarthy, 1968)W & M-Woodrow Wilson & Thomas MarshallWB-William BryanWCTU-Women's Christian Temperance UnionWIN-Whip Inflation Now (Ford)WOW-Workers of the World or fraternal society Woodmen of the WorldYAF-Young Americans for FreedomYAFK-Young Americans for Kennedy (John, 1960)YCERSOYA-You Can't Elect Republicans Sitting on Your Ass (Eisenhower era)YD-Young Democrats (F.D.R. era)YPR-Young Professionals For ReaganYR-Young RepublicanYRC-Young Republican Club
This is an alphabetical list of acronyms, initialisms, and numbers actually used on presidential campaign items with reference to specific candidates, political parties, and organizations.
ABC- Anybody But Carter (1980) ABJ-Anybody But Johnson (1968) or Austin Burton, Jr. (Hopeful for 1976) ABK-Anybody But Kennedy (Robert 1968 or Teddy 1980) ACTWU-Amalgamated Clothing and Textiles Workers Union ACWA-Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America ADA-Americans for Democratic Action AFL-CIO- American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations AFSCME-American Federation of State, County, & Municipal Employees AFT-American Federation of Teachers AIP-American Independent Party ALP-American Labor Party AuH2O-Barry Goldwater (chemical symbols for gold and water) B & L-Blaine & Logan (1884) BAM-Black Americans for McCarthy (Eugene, 1968) BGB-Barry Goldwater Backer (Arizona Senate Campaign, 1980) BMG-Barry Morris Goldwater (1964) C & S-Cleveland and Stevenson (1892) C & T-Cleveland and Thurman (1888) CDA- Coalition for a Democratic Alternative (Eugene McCarthy organization) CDC-California Democratic Council C5H4N4O3 on AuH2O-Urinate on Goldwater (chemical symbols for urine, gold and water) CLIRR-Conservative Liberal Independent Regular Republicans (Nixon, 1972) CLU-Central Labor Union C/M-Carter-Mondale COPE-Committee on Political Education (AFL-CIO) CPUSA-Communist Party of the U.S.A. CT-Commercial Travelers (1896-1908 era) CWA-Communications Workers of America DFR-Defeat Franklin Roosevelt (1940) DNC-Democratic National Convention EMK-Edward M. Kennedy EMc2-Eugene McCarthy the second time (1972) ESM-Edmund S. Muskie FCBNH-For Carter Before New Hampshire (1972) FDP-Freedom Democratic Party FDR-Franklin Delano Roosevelt FEF-Forget Eisenhower Forever (1956) FKBW-For Kennedy Before Wisconsin (1960) FMBNH-For McGovern Before New Hampshire (1972) GMG-George McGovern (1972) H3-Hubert Horatio Humphrey (1968) HG-Hoover and Green (Michigan governor candidate, 1928) HHH-Hubert Horatio Humphrey H & M-Benjamin Harrison and Levi Martin (1888) H & R-Benjamin Harrison and Whitlaw Reid (1892) HUAC- House Un-American Activities Committee IAK-I Adore Kennedy (1960) IAM-International Association of Machinists IBEW-International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers IGHAT-I've Got Hatred Against Truman or I'm Going to Hate All Trumans ILA-International Longshoreman's Association ILGWU-International Ladies Garment Workers Union IT-Ike Twice (1956) IUE-International Union of Electricians IYHYKHR-In Your Heart You Know He's Right (Goldwater 1964) JB-Jerry Brown (1980) JBA-John B. Anderson (1980) JBC-John B. Connally (1976) JC-Jimmy Carter JFK-John Fitzgerald Kennedy JWB-John W. Bricker (OH local 1970) K-Robert F. Kennedy or Edward M. Kennedy K3-The Third Kennedy (Edward) K-J-Kennedy-Johnson KMA-Kiss My Ass (McGovern, 1972) KNKC-Keep Nebraska Kennedy Conscious or Keep Nebraska Kennedy Country (Edward, 1972) LBJ-Lyndon Baines Johnson LNPL-Labor's Non-Partisan League (FDR, 1936) LOTE-Lesser of Two Evils (Carter, 1980) N/A-Nixon and Agnew NADC-National Association of Democratic Clubs (Bryan era)NASW-National Association of Social WorkersNDC-New Democratic CoalitionNEA-National Education AssociationNIT-A slang word for "no" usually used to express opposition to Bryan's proposal for silver and coinage at a ratio of 16 to 1 (1896-1900)NOW-National Organization For WomenNRL-National Republican LeagueNSRP-National States' Rights PartyNUSJ-National Union for Social Justice (Father Coughlin 1930's)OAP-Old Age Pensions (Townsend 1930's)OARP-Old Age Revolving Pensions (Townsend 1930's)OK-Old Kinderhook, nickname for Martin Van Buren derived from his home in Kinderhook, NYOS4MY-Oh Shit, Four More Years (Anti-Nixon, 1972)PAC-Political Action CommitteePFP-Peace and Freedom PartyR & B-Reagan and Bush (1980)RCL-Republican College LeagueRIF-Reduction In Force (Anti-Reagan)RNC-Republican National ConventionRR-Ronald ReaganSIN-Stop Inflation NowSLP-Socialist Labor PartySOB-Save Our Business/Sons of Business (Anti-John Kennedy)SWP-Socialist Workers PartyTASK-Teen-agers for Stevenson and KefauverTED-Thomas E. DeweyTIRRC-This Is Ronald Reagan CountryTMK-Too Many Kennedy's (Anti-Edward)TR-Theodore RooseveltTTP-Tired Tax Payers (Richard Nixon, 1960)UAW-CIO-United Auto Workers-Congress of Industrial OrganizationsUDFH-United Democrats For HumphreyUFW-United Farm WorkersURFI-United Republican Fund of Illinois (Nixon, 1960)USWA-United Steel Workers of AmericaUYN-United Youth for NixonVFBG-Vote for Barry GoldwaterVIP-Voice In Politics (George Wallace, 1968)VV-Vietnam Veterans (Eugene McCarthy, 1968)W & M-Woodrow Wilson & Thomas MarshallWB-William BryanWCTU-Women's Christian Temperance UnionWIN-Whip Inflation Now (Ford)WOW-Workers of the World or fraternal society Woodmen of the WorldYAF-Young Americans for FreedomYAFK-Young Americans for Kennedy (John, 1960)YCERSOYA-You Can't Elect Republicans Sitting on Your Ass (Eisenhower era)YD-Young Democrats (F.D.R. era)YPR-Young Professionals For ReaganYR-Young RepublicanYRC-Young Republican Club